Neo-Reichian Pulsations

Group work is valuable because just in a few days participant can significantly move forward in understanding of his personal difficulties. He can achieve encouraging results in his relationship with his own body and feelings. And that can definitely affect many aspects of person’s life and activity.

The course of Neo-Reichian Pulsation consists of a cycle of therapeutic groups with duration from 2 to 5 days, each of them being relatively independent and complete. However, going through participating in each group consequentially people move more and more deeply into their inner world, gaining experience of unity with the body and feelings. Each subsequent group works with deeper layers of muscular (characterological) armor

Initially a person faces powerful repressions in his body and releases such feelings as anger, hatred, fear, despair and pain. Then the armor becomes more relaxed, "melts" and it gives the opportunity to relive the experience of the deepest trust, love and pleasure. Group work is valuable because just in a few days a participant can significantly move forward in understanding of his personal difficulties.

One can achieve encouraging results in his relationship with his own body and feelings. And that can definitely affect many aspects of life and activity. Often, self-esteem and self-confidence is growing, improving sensitivity to others and therefore mutual understanding with them. Due to the increase of inner strength a person begins to change his life so that there would be more harmony and satisfying relationships.